Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Final Thoughts From Brazil

God is always moving everywhere and in all of history, but there are sovereign moves of the Holy Spirit that take place at specific points in space and time. On the day of Pentecost the Holy Spirit was sovereignly poured out in the upper room 2000 years ago. The privilege of experiencing that first outpouring only belonged to the 120 that managed to align themselves with the place and the time of Gods appointment. I remember years ago I visited Moriah Chapel where the Welsh Revival took place a century ago. I remember walking around on the grounds and imagining what it must have been like. I was in the right place, but 100 years too late. I can also remember going back to Pensacola and visiting Brownsville shortly after the revival was over. I can still remember the feeling of depression that came over me when i realized that it was over and it would never be quite the same again. I had lived there during the years of great outpouring but I didn’t realize then how limited of an experience it would be. Its hard to describe the emotions that you experience when you visit an old dry well...a place where the Holy Spirit once moved in an extraordinary way. On the other hand, it is a priceless privilege to be in the middle of what God is doing, where and when He is doing it. That is what I felt this past week as I visited Brazil. I wondered if the people even realize what they have. They are in the middle of a historical move of God that I believe will impact the nation like the Great Awakenings and the Reformation did in other parts of the world at different points in history. All I can say is…Brazil, this is your moment – seize it.

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