Monday, August 3, 2009

Obvious Evidence of Intelligent Design

I was practically screaming at my television set as I watched this. I don’t usually get so carried away when scientists say things that are intellectually dishonest. Actually, I guess I’ve come to expect it after many hours of watching NOVA and Steven Hawking. But this time, I couldn't contain myself.

This was an episode of Naked Science on the National Geographic Channel that aired on Sunday, July 26th. The show’s thesis was that, new scientific evidence is suggesting that human beings had somehow made their way to the Americas thousands of years earlier than archeologists once thought. And these humans were not the hairy, knuckle-dragging cavemen that your highschool textbooks might suggest, but rather, highly intelligent, sea-faring engineers of amazing skill.

For the most compelling evidence of this, they turned to J.M. Adovasio, PH.D, who is the director of Mercyhurst Archeological Institute. Adovasio is excavating an archeological site at Medocroft Rock Shelter, 35 miles southwest of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He and his team have been peeling this excavation site back, layer by layer, for the last 33 years. Each layer is carbon dated for age, and they are able to record their findings for each chronological snapshot of time like flipping through the pages of a history book.

It was thought that the first Americans arrived on the continent 13,500 years ago, but when Adovasio reached the 13,500-year mark he kept digging. He describes what he was finding as, “unprecedented materials”. After another year of digging, they found an artifact that would “re-write the history books”. Adovasio himself holds up a small black rock that appears to be polished in a slightly triangular shape. He twiddles it back and forth in this fingers, holding it close to the camera and declares, “This very delicate tool is the oldest form tool from the site. It’s slightly older than 16,000 years.” Then the host says with confident assurance, “This find suggests that there was human life in North America 16,000 years ago…BECAUSE IF THERE WAS A TOOL – THERE WERE PEOPLE.”

This rock is SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE worthy of REWRITING THE TEXTBOOKS that human beings lived in America much earlier than previously thought. They were certain that people must have been there because tools don’t just make themselves. Could they observe the people who were there? No. Could they touch them or talk to them? No. The remnants of one of their tools was evidence enough. “…IF THERE WAS A TOOL – THERE WERE PEOPLE.” It's as simple as that.

It would be one thing if they found a typewriter or a bicycle or a computer chip…but they found – a rock…a polished rock. This little black rock is considered watertight, scientific evidence that people were there because, “…IF THERE WAS A TOOL – THERE WERE PEOPLE.”

Wait…Are you telling me that that little, triangular rock couldn’t have just kind of evolved that way? Don’t you think it’s feasible that the water or weather or something other than an intelligent human designer could have contributed over thousands of years to the slightly triangular shape of this rock? Yet, there is no dispute from the scientific community. The evidence is conclusive - “IF THERE WAS A TOOL – THERE WERE PEOPLE.” Any moron could make such a simple deduction…right?

Now I’m no scientist, but I see a little bit of hypocrisy here. If a tiny, black, triangular rock is scientific evidence that intelligent people must have made it, what are we to think about the trillions upon trillions upon trillions of atoms that make up our planet, each with electrons orbiting with the synchronization of a Swiss watch around a nucleus made of protons and neutrons, like a self-contained solar system?

What about the unbelievably complex design of our bodies that employ the aid of over 200 muscles just to take a single step?

What about the human eye, which is so elegant that scientists still don’t fully understand how it works? It completes 100,000 separate functions in a single day and it even conducts its own maintenance work while we sleep. It has automatic aim, focus and aperture adjustment. It even provides color and 3-D images and it can automatically function from darkness to bright light instantly. It can discern over 10 million color hues, including 500 shades of grey alone, and can take in more information than the largest, most complicated telescopes ever invented.

What about our skin, which contains in ONE SQUARE INCH: 4 yards of nerve fibers, 600 pain sensors, 1,300 nerve cells, 36 heat sensors, 75 pressure sensors, 100 sweat glands, 3 million cells, 3 yards of blood vessels and 9,000 nerve endings which send messages to our brain at speeds of up to 124 mph?

What about our brains, which only weigh about 3 pounds and yet contain 12 billion cells each of which is connected to 10,000 other brain cells, making 120 trillion connections. The brain stores so much memory data that by the age of 40, it would take the Empire State building full of computers just to store the same amount of information. It generates more electrical impulses in a single day then all of the world's telephones put together, yet it uses less energy than a refrigerator light.

What about the DNA molecules in our bodies – the most complex molecules in the universe. Their code is so unbelievably elaborate that if you typed out all the code in a single DNA molecule, it would create enough books to fill Grand Canyon 40 times.

What about bacteria such as E. Coli, which is equipped with a propulsion system, complete with a motor, rotor, stator, drive shaft, bushings, universal joint and flexible propeller; 40 moving parts in all, made solely from protein molecules. The ion-powered motor can rotate at up to 100,000 rpm, can reverse direction in only 1/4 of a revolution and has an automatic feedback control mechanism. In spite of its enormous complexity, its size is only 1/100,000 of an inch (1/4,000 mm) in width.

Of course I could go on and on and on talking about the wonders gravity and magnetism that science still cannot fully explain, the flawless rhythm of the solar system, the perfect balance of nitrogen and oxygen in earth's atmosphere that makes life possible, the amazing order in nature that forms a self supporting system of life, reproduction and disposal. But is any of this necessary? The scientific community is holding up a triangular shaped rock as conclusive evidence of intelligent (human) design.

Now I’m not asking any scientists to fall on their face and confess Jesus as Lord; all I am asking for is a little bit of honesty and humility. If there is a tool then simple logic suggests that there must have been a person who fashioned it, and if there is an amazing world full of incomprehensible wonders of design then maybe, just maybe, it’s possible that there is a designer. No wonder Psalms 14:1 says, “The fool saith in his heart there is no God.”

~ By Daniel Kolenda (

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