Saturday, March 14, 2009


The meetings today and tomorrow will be broadcast live via the CfaN website ( For those that live in the eastern time zone, the broadcast will begin at 1:00 pm. Other times zones are listed below and also on the CfaN website.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Daniel,

I am Michael Lusk, and am a young missionary evangelist who works internationally. I love what you are doing. I have been influenced at a distance by Reinhard Bonnke for years, and as I read about the Bali crusade, I saw your name for the first time. I asked, "WHO IS DANIEL KOLENDA?" As I began to find out, I thanked the Lord that another on-fire comrade in evangelism is running with the call to reap this great harvest of souls!! God bless you and keep in touch with me. My website is, and I blog at

Michael Lusk