Friday, January 23, 2009

Crowd Grows to 225,000! - Isokoland Crusade Day 3

Dear Mission-Partners,

As you may know, all our Gospel Crusades are paired with a Fire Conference, in which church-workers are prepared for a life of effective witness for Jesus and for evangelism in general. This culminates in a massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit, in fulfillment of the Promise of the Lord. This morning was glorious. Thousands upon thousands of wonderful Christians were soaking up the Word of God. Our Mission is power, not routine. Our role is that of power men, laying the power lines into powerless lives. Then Jesus does the rest.

Tonight’s Gospel Crusade was another glorious highlight: 225,000 people attended in this highly rural “village-setup”. Daniel Kolenda was the preacher, and he ministered with authority. Many souls got saved, filling up the barns of God. When the prayer for the sick rung out, many wonderful miracles happened. A girl, deaf and dumb for 20 years heard and spoke clearly. Her brother saw her giving the testimony and ran onto the platform to embrace her and they rejoiced together (see attached picture). Another girl, crippled for years was brought to the meeting from the hospital. She told her mother to take her to the Gospel meeting where she believed Jesus would heal her. During the prayer the power of God came on her, and she began to walk. There was no end to the miracles that continued to take place...even until the very last moment of the meeting.

Jesus says “GO YE...” and here we are in Isokoland! Faith is not just waiting for God to move. Faith is to move for God. Any doctrine or philosophy that does not lend itself as conductor of the power of God is a waste of time. We have no time to waste, because the world is desperately waiting for the Good News of Salvation. Thank you for agreeing with us – and helping us to go.
Yours forever in Jesus,

Evangelists Reinhard Bonnke and Daniel Kolenda,
together with the whole CfaN Team.

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