Thursday, February 7, 2008

Super Wednesday - Yola, Nigeria

Tonight was the first night the Gospel Campaign here in the small, north-Nigerian city of Yola. We were surprised when the crusade director called us from the field early in the evening and said that it was time to come...the people had already gathered. When we arrived over 200,000 people were waiting. What an eager anticipation filled the air. Before Evangelist Bonnke had a chance to pray for the sick the miracles began to happen all over that wide field. A woman crippled for 20 years danced and jumped on the platform to the delight of the cheering crowd. Many cripples walked as wheelchairs and crutches could be seen being lifted high all over the field. It was a glorious start to the crusade here in Yola and I'm sure that the best Is yet to come. Stay tuned.

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