Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kickin' the Devil Out!

After tonight’s service at the youth camp in Montgomery, Alabama, one young man came up to me and hugged my neck and said, “Thanks for helping me kick the Devil out of my life!” I would say that was the theme of the night. After I preached on the blood of Jesus, the young people answered the call, surrendered to Jesus and kicked the Devil out of their lives. One guy was dramatically delivered of demon possession while many looked on. They had never seen anything like it before. Several young people testified to me of being personally set free from addictions and compulsions including homosexuality, pornography and self-mutilation. When I see what Satan is doing to the youth, it makes me all the more determined to preach the yoke-destroying message of the Gospel which is the only answer for this generation. Sometimes when it comes to demons and demon possession, most people immediately think of the third world...India, Africa or Haiti. But the truth is that even in the refined cultures of western civilization, demonic activity is just as rife and often happens right under our noses. We may diagnose it as some medical disorder and treat it with drugs or psychotherapy, but there is only one real solution. We have to do what these young people have done tonight through the power of the blood of Jesus. We have to kick the Devil out!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Taiwan Will Never Be the Same!

As I write this, I am sitting on an airplane returning home from the Fire Conference in Taipei, Taiwan where the Fire of God fell in a powerful way. This was not an ordinary conference. I really believe that it was a pivotal moment in the nation’s spiritual history. The Lin Kou Stadium, which seats 13,500 people was packed out. In addition 110 churches around the country were participating in the meetings via live broadband webcast. Through these overflow broadcasts, the fire conference was taking place in EVERY CITY and ALL 26 PROVINCES in the WHOLE NATION...Including all of the Islands at the same time! The combined total of REGISTERED delegates officially participating in the meetings was over 38,500. In addition to the registered delegates, the meetings were broadcast by GOD TV via 4 satellites with a footprint coving all TAIWAN, CHINA and ALL OF ASIA! Perhaps one of the most amazing elements of the conference is that Evangelist Bonnke distributed 25,000 sets of his Full Flame Film Series with his book, “Evangelism By Fire” FREE OF CHARGE. This film series is designed to be used in the context of small groups or cell churches (which are very successful in Asia) and inspire them to be filled with the Fire of the Holy Spirit and to launch out into radical evangelism. The possibilities are endless. The 38,500 that have received the Fire over the last couple of days, from every single city in the nation, are now equipped to equip others. I believe that this could (and will) result in a spiritual revolution in the country.

Yesterday I preached in the packed stadium where the anointing was so strong my interpreter told me that he was having trouble standing. Twice during the message the people began to cry out to God like a dam about to burst. Each time I could have stopped preaching, and I am SURE they would have received right then and there. That evening after Evangelist Bonnke’s message a mass outpouring the baptism in the Holy Spirit took place. It was so powerful. The organizer and sponsor of the conference stood before the congregation with tears in his eyes and declared, “This is what we have been waiting for.” It was obvious to everyone that there was something historical taking place and that the nation of Taiwan will never be the same.

I am happy to be returning home now to see my family that I miss very much. It has been more than a month, and we have been in Hamburg, Bremen, Frankfurt, Copenhagen, Johannesburg, Durban, Singapore, Hong Kong, Beijing and Taipei. I will only be home for a couple of days before leaving again for Montgomery, Alabama where I will minister in a youth convention there.

It is not a cliché for me to say thank you for praying for us. We are on the front lines of the battle and desperately need prayer cover from the people of God. We stand back to back and fight the enemy together. The people that I am ministering to are desperate and hungry. They need a touch from Heaven. It is a life an death scenario for individuals, for cities and for nations. Actually our entire world needs this Gospel that we are preaching, and the church needs the Fire of God to preach it with effective results. Those of us that are preaching it need you!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Beijing Adventure

On Monday and Tuesday, after the conclusion of last week's amazing Fire Conference and crusade, Rebekah and I decided to take a couple of days and visit mainland China as tourists (for once). Our first stop was the Great Wall of China. When our tour guide saw Rebekah, realizing that she was pregnant, she suggested that Rebekah stay down at the bottom and admire the wall from a distance. “It is too dangerous,” she said, “for a pregnant woman to climb the wall.” But Rebekah decided that she was not content to merely look at the wall, she wanted to conquer it. So up we went. If it was up to me, I think I would call the “Great Wall” the “Great Stairway.” The section that we climbed which leads to the highest point was a seemingly endless staircase. Each time we reached a summit that we was “sure” was the end, we would be greeted by yet another section of wall/stairs winding into the horizon and out of sight. Everyone passing us had a chuckle at Rebekah and her baby bump, but we kept on climbing. Once we reached the top we were rewarded with a breathtaking view of the surrounding mountains and a wide panorama of the expanse of the huge wall (which is about 4,000 miles long in total!)The Hero's Monument at the Great Wall says, "You're not a plucky hero until you climb up the Great Wall." Rebekah is therefore a "Plucky Hero."

The Summer Palace

tiananmen square

We proceed on to visit a local tea shop where we had a fascinating demonstration and taste testing. Then on to a Jade market and a pearl market. Then on to the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace and Tiananmen Square. All of that we did in LESS than 24 hours. We arrived home on Tuesday night, and Wednesday morning it was time to get back on the road. I am now in Taiwan where the Fire Conference here will kick off early tomorrow morning. We are looking forward to a powerful conference. There are some 18,000 registered delegates for this conference. It is being held in the largest venue here in Taipei. Two weeks after the meetings were announced, every seat was reserved! Please keep us in your prayers.

Here are some pictures of our adventure:

Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Vine Christian Fellowship

Tonight I preached at a great church here in Hong Kong called, "The Vine Christian Fellowship", with Pastors Tony Read and John Snelgrove. There was a strong presence of the Lord there and an almost unanimous response to the Word. The church is made up of mostly young people and is incredibly cutting edge. I told them they are one of the "coolest" churches I have ever seen. You can check out their website at www. The videos below are of their worship team (which also did a great job leading worship at the crusade last night), "The Vine Band." Enjoy.

Rain, Mud and...Fire!

The adventure continued yesterday as we woke up to a bleak forecast and dark skies. The rain began to pour down in buckets and a “Black Rain” warning was issued; meaning that everything would be shut down. The ensuing downpour was the worst in Hong Kong’s recorded 50 year history according to BBC which reported that 5.73 inches of rain fell in under one hour. The heavy rains overwhelmed the city's drainage system and streets were flooded. It posed a challenge to our team and to all the conference delegates that had to travel to and from the convention center. Some cars were stuck in the water that came up the windows.

BBC World News
Press TV

In spite of the challenges the conference went on. Not only did it go on, but Every seat was full and the convention center was packed! It was clear that these delegates were not going to be put off by any amount of rain or bad weather. Evangelist Bonnke preached a powerful message about our holy obligation to spread the Gospel and then proceeded to lay hands on every person in the building...over 5,000! It took over an hour to do, but the people were so blessed, and I believe they are now running with the torch.

The week's events were to culminate last night (Saturday) with a mass crusade service held at the expo arena near the airport that seats 15,000. But it was obvious that the bad weather conditions got worse when we got the news that the only highway going to the convention center had been blocked by a mudslide and was impassable. If you have seen the pictures of the mudslide on the news, it is the very same one that was blocking the road to the Expo Center where our meeting was to be held. This picture was taken by one member of our team with his phone camera.

The people at the Fire Conference began to pray that the Lord would make a way as for the Children of Israel through the Red Sea. Finally at 4:00 PM, the authorities managed to clear one lane of the highway letting a backlog of traffic through that stretched for miles. Getting there was a challenge to say the least. Rather then go by road, our whole team took the subway which stops right in the convention center. By the time we got there it was still mostly empty, but 40 minutes later every seat was filled. In spite of the record breaking, torrential downpour and lethal mudslide and seemingly insurmountable odds, the crowds came to the tune of 15,000 people!

The evening resulted in salvations, healings and changed lives for many thousands of people. Your prayers were greatly needed and highly effective. We give God all the glory!

I just shared this morning in our team devotions here at the hotel, and I head off in a few minutes to preach at one of Hong Kong’s premiere churches. I am expecting another powerful move of the Holy Spirit. Tomorrow Rebekah and I head off to Beijing for a couple of days of sightseeing. I will post some of the pictures from our trip here...I'm sure they will be interesting. On Wednesday the whole team heads to Taiwan where we are looking forward to the Next Fire Conference with great anticipation.

Keep checking back. There’s a lot more to come...

Friday, June 6, 2008

Holy Spirit Torch Bearers

God is doing a new thing in the earth. Who would have ever thought that we would be holding a Fire Conference and an open air crusade right here in China? Today was the second day of the 2008 Christ for All Nations Fire Conference. Over 5,000 delegates have come from all over mainland China to receive an impartation. Many of these people come from extremely humble conditions. Some from remote towns and villages. One of our team members said that he saw a group standing in front of the elevator watching in amazement...they had never seen anything like it before. Another lady said that since she became a Christian she had never been to a conference of any kind. This one is the first. There is a palpable sense of expectation here. People are so hungry and they need a touch from heaven. They have come here to get it, and I know that they will.

Today I preached in the packed convention center where every seat was filled...even in the overflow. I shared a prophetic picture that the Lord gave me for this conference while we were in Singapore last week. I saw an Olympic runner carrying the torch for the 2008 summer Olympics, and he was racing to Beijing with the flame. I sensed the Holy Spirit say, “I will send out runners with a divine flame into the very heart of China.” I see thousands of runners with thousands of flames going into every city and village and setting the entire nation ablaze with the fires of revival. I feel like this is a new season for China. This year there is a much bigger event than the Olympics happening in China. There is a Holy Spirit visitation that will be a historic milestone in this spiritual history of this nation.

I told the people, “Jesus responds to your response to His word.” I then challenged them to respond with all their hearts. Without giving an altar call or invitation, a crowd rushed to the front of the auditorium. The ushers had to physically reinforce the steel gates that provide a buffer zone for the platform because the people were pressing in with such enthusiasm. All over the room, from where I was standing, I could see that things were happening. People were being spontaneously slain in the Spirit, others were receiving a baptism of Fire. We saw the full range of Holy Spirit works all happening at once. It was glorious.

Tonight Evangelist Bonnke preached about the Baptism in the Holy Spirit and a massive outpouring followed. Below is a clip of tonight's meeting taken from my small camera. The huge convention center where we are meeting has 7 on top of another (pictured above). Our conference is on the top level. As the crowd was jumping during the worship (as you can see on the video) the ground was literally shaking. I must made me think of the long distance to the bottom floor.

Tomorrow is the last day of the Fire Conference, and then tomorrow evening is the open air crusade where we are expecting about 15,000 people. Please continue to pray for China.


Dear Mission Partners,
The Convention Centre in Hong Kong was packed with all its overflows. Never have so many pastors from Mainland China attended a conference in Hong Kong, we are told. I was awed by the passion of these dear people of God. How hungry they are for the Word and Fire of God. It is to me as if the Lord has opened a new chapter and that China will be blessed with the love of God as never before.
We are three days here “in full flight”, the last day being a “Love Your Neighbour” Crusade at the Expo, which can hold 18,000 people. Please pray for us and China. It is a new day!

In His love and service,
Reinhard Bonnke and the CfaN-Team.

Photo by Rob Birkbeck

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Video Greeting - From Hong Kong